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Accessing Service Resources

Using the Roblo3 SDK to access built-in AWS Service Resources is simple. Since the SDK should only ever be accessed by the game server, place the Roblo3 SDK into ServerScriptService or ServerStorage, then call require on the path to the SDK.


For all examples shown in this documentation, it is assumed that the SDK has been placed in the root directory of ServerScriptService. Additionally, although game.ServerScriptService and game:GetService("ServerScriptService") can function the same, all examples will utilize game:GetService to make references to any Roblox game service.

As an example, let's get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the TestTable DynamoDB table in the us-west-2 (Oregon) region via the service resource. First, we need to require the SDK:

local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local roblo3 = require(ServerScriptService.Roblo3)

Next, to access the DynamoDB Service resource, we call the resource function of the Roblo3 SDK with the name of our desired service, our Access Key ID, our Secret Access Key, and a dictionary of any additional "keyword" arguments we'd like to pass in; since we want to access the us-west-2 (Oregon) region, we'll pass that into our keyword arguments:

local awsArgs = {
    ["accessKeyId"] = "ACCESS_KEY_ID",
    ["secretAccessKey"] = "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
    ["regionName"] = "us-west-2"

local dynamodb = roblo3.resource("dynamodb", awsArgs)

Default Region

By default, the Roblo3 SDK assumes you want to access a resource in the us-east-1 (N. Virgina) service region. This is because the default region for AWS is us-east-1 (N. Virginia).

Security Credentials

Upon initialization of a resource, the Roblo3 SDK will automatically use the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key stored in the environment under accessKeyId and secretAccessKey respectively, if any are found. However, supplying these arguments into the resource function will override whatever is in the environment variables.


If the resource function doesn't find an Access Key ID or Secret Access Key in the environment and one hasn't been supplied in to the resource function as keyword arguments, the resource function will throw an error.

Next, we need to get the TestTable DynamoDB object so we can start using its internal functions. We do this by calling the Table function from DynamoDB and passing in the name of the DynamoDB table we want to access; in this case, we'll pass in "TestTable":

local testTable = dynamodb:Table("TestTable")

After this, we now have a TestTable DynamoDB object we can interact with. Since we wanted to get the ARN of the table, we first need to call DescribeTable on our table object to get its info from AWS:

local tableInfo = TestTable:DescribeTable()

The DescribeTable function returns a dictionary of key-value pairs we can use to access our data. In our case, since we want the ARN of the table, we'll access the TableArn key (which, in our case, is stored in the top-most level of the dictionary) since this is how AWS returns the data to us:

local tableArn = tableInfo["TableArn"]

Now we can do whatever we want with the table ARN, such as print it to the server console:


All-in-all, our code looks like this:

local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local roblo3 = require(ServerScriptService.Roblo3)

local awsArgs = {
    ["accessKeyID"] = "ACCESS_KEY_ID",
    ["secretAccessKey"] = "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
    ["regionName"] = "us-west-2"

local dynamodb = roblo3.resource("dynamodb", awsArgs)

local TestTable = dynamodb:Table("TestTable")

local tableInfo = TestTable:DescribeTable()
local tableArn = tableInfo.TableArn


-- Prints something like:
-- arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:123456789012:table/TestTable

Last update: 2021-03-10